

6 Tips on How to Conduct a Highly Productive Online Meeting

6 Tips on How to Conduct a Highly Productive Online Meeting

With 2020 being the year that it was – the less said the better – working remotely has suddenly become mainstream. There has been a steep learning curve from office to the online workspace and online meetings play a vital role to ensure teams feel connected. We have...

Is Work-Life Balance Achievable?

Is Work-Life Balance Achievable?

How many people do you know who have found that magical unicorn of a work-life balance? Chances are, you could count them on one hand without lifting a finger. Life is hectic, and while the concept of finding some kind of equilibrium between your work life and your...

Do I Need To Meet My Bookkeeper In Person?

Do I Need To Meet My Bookkeeper In Person?

Your bookkeeper is one of the most important people in your business. They keep track of your cash flow, help your staff get paid, make sure your invoices and bills are sorted, and keep tabs on all your financial data on a day to...

Things You Could Be Doing Better On Your Website

Things You Could Be Doing Better On Your Website

Your business website is one of your most powerful marketing tools, but only if it’s done well. Maybe ten or twenty years ago it was enough to have a simple home page with your contact details – much like a listing in the traditional phonebook. But today’s businesses...

3 Tips For Easy Business Growth

3 Tips For Easy Business Growth

As a small business owner, we know that you have got an awful lot on your plate. So much, in fact, that it can be hard to know exactly what to focus on! But when you boil all your business tasks down, the most important question to ask is: will this task help with my...

7 Critical Steps For Hiring Your First Employee

7 Critical Steps For Hiring Your First Employee

So you are ready to expand your empire and bring on someone to help, congratulations! Hiring your first employee is a critical milestone in the growth of your business. As exciting as this moment is, it's a decision that shouldn't be rushed. Jumping in before you are...

The Real Cost Of DIY Bookkeeping

The Real Cost Of DIY Bookkeeping

Every business owner needs something of a DIY attitude to succeed. This particularly true in the early days of a new venture. And as Kiwis, we are perfectly equipped for a bit of DIY on any occasion. All we need is a bit of number 8 wire, right? Or maybe some duct...

How To Turn An Unproductive Week Around

How To Turn An Unproductive Week Around

We have all had bad weeks that don't go to plan, where the work piles up and it feels like nothing is getting done. You look at your mounting to-do list and feel like it will never be clear. Unproductive weeks often have a way of seeping in to create a negative...

Time Is Money – Are You Spending Yours Wisely?

Time Is Money – Are You Spending Yours Wisely?

Time is money. It’s a saying that has been bandied around so much that it has lost its meaning. You may know it, you may get it, but do you really comprehend how true it is? Money can come and go, but you can never get your time back. True in life, as much as in...

7 Things You Can Do To Operate More Efficiently Today

7 Things You Can Do To Operate More Efficiently Today

Do you wake up each day feeling overwhelmed with all the things that need to get done in your business? We get it. There are a hundred items on your to-do list and that number is only growing. You don’t have enough time, money, or energy to get them all done. While...

The Opportunity Cost Of Not Outsourcing

The Opportunity Cost Of Not Outsourcing

The number one reason businesses don't outsource is that they think they can't afford it. While affordability is always a valid concern, quite often business owners make this assumption without taking into account the opportunity cost of all the time, money and...

How To Delegate When You Struggle To Let Go

How To Delegate When You Struggle To Let Go

Imagine arriving at your desk and having a to-do list full of tasks that are enjoyable, meaningful, or relatively easy. It sounds like a bit of a dream, doesn’t it? No more slogging your way through things you find difficult or that bore the pants off you. And how can...


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