What do you do if you find yourself dealing with an outdated system?
Well, some businesses would try to struggle on, ‘making it work’. But, Sue from Your Kitchen Ltd knew that was not a solution they could work with.
So, they sought the help they needed!
Mastercraft Kitchens Wellington (by Your Kitchen Limited) has been in business for two decades. With 23 employees, the company is now the largest custom-built kitchen manufacturer in the Wellington Region.
Designing, manufacturing and installing kitchens for Wellington’s homeowners takes a whole lot of organising. Especially when the goal is not just to meet clients’ expectations, but exceed them!
There’s no time or room for outdated systems and processes that slow things down on the admin side – which is precisely why Office Manager Sue Hawes turned to Admin Army for support!
Bookkeeping and accounting are two essentials that must take priority in any business. And often, they are the most time-consuming or painful tasks to deal with. This is particularly true if the software or services being used aren’t the right fit for the business.
Your Kitchen’s previous accounting service was slow and troublesome, with bad online service. Sue knew they needed to switch to a more suitable option but understood how time-consuming and complicated the conversion process could be.
After hearing about Admin Army from a business advisor, Sue enlisted their help to complete a conversion from the existing service to Xero, including:
● Xero set up – loading organisation details, financial details, GST period
● General Ledger import
● Contact import
● Bank account and bank feed set up
● Setting up Xero invoice templates
● Conversion balances
● Loading fixed assets
● Xero training session
“I thought the process would take longer than it did. I was amazed by how easily it happened. I did nothing; it was like magic at the other end of the computer.”

You can’t just chuck someone in at the deep end in the hope that they might learn to swim. Which is why, following the successful conversion to Xero, Admin Army continue to provide training and consultation services. When there’s a question or problem, it only takes a quick call or email to sort it out. No more time wasted sitting on hold or trying to figure it out alone!
“It’s fantastic to know that if I don’t understand something, you’ll always be there for me to email. When you reply, I totally understand how you explain it, and it’s an easy fix. I’m also aware that if I’m really stuck, you can jump in and sort it out for me.”
Streamlining the accounting side of the business allows more time to dedicate to other, equally important tasks. There’s more time to focus on other areas of running a busy office.
“Changing to Xero with Hubdoc fully integrated has reduced (streamlined) my workload.”
Outsourcing essential business tasks also allows for continuity. If you rely on one person in your organisation to take care of the accounting, who will take care of it when they are on holiday?
“Having Admin Army on board as a backup means if I want to take time off, your service will provide business continuity as you can take care of things while I’m away.”
Xero set up
General ledger import
Contact import
Bank account and bank feed set up
Set up Xero invoice templates
Conversion balances
Fixed asset register set up
Xero training session
It is no mistake that we are called Admin Army. We have an Army of bookkeeping and administration specialists that are ready to help you wage war on the jobs you don’t have time to do.
Don’t just take our word for it though, Sue has her own thoughts on how we have helped transform her business…
“Reliability. For me, it’s been amazing having you guys. I didn’t know anyone like you existed. You’re a phone call or email away, and you’ll get back to me. I’m all about service, and you absolutely deliver.”
So, if you would like to have an army on the end of the phone like Sue does, get in touch with us today at Admin Army.