
The Benefits Of Using A Remote Team For Your Compliance Work

May 19, 2022

If you run a busy accounting practice, you’ll know that paperwork and compliance work are time-consuming. And that’s time that could probably be better spent working on other areas of your business.

Namely, giving better support to your clients and growing your practice.

But, while you know that handing over that compliance work to someone else makes sense, you might be reluctant to give over control of an important part of your business.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about how it would work.

When you hire experienced professionals like Admin Army, you get peace of mind that everything is in hand.

The Benefits Of Using A Remote Team For Your Compliance Work

Many people associate outsourcing simply with saving money, yet it is so much more than that!

Sure, you can definitely save money by outsourcing key compliance tasks. But there are many more benefits when the job is done well, both for you and your clients.

They are:


Accountancy is, in many ways, a seasonal job. There are definite workload spikes at pivotal times of the year. The mack daddy of pivotal times is obviously the end of the financial year. But there are also crucial tax and GST points as well. At those times, you might need extra support. But at quieter times in the year, you will be able to manage.

Using a virtual team gives you flexibility and easy scalability. There’s no need to wait for a recruitment process to happen or train up a new staff member – an experienced person is ready and waiting to help.

Outsourcing also makes it easier for you to react to the unexpected. If a staff member is on long-term leave or sick leave, you can quickly fill the gap with someone experienced.


As we already mentioned, there is money to be saved by outsourcing work. With the flexibility that a remote team provides, you can make your compliance work more cost-effective.

If you know that you don’t need a permanent member of staff, you can save money by outsourcing instead. The beauty of a virtual team is that you only pay for the hours you require, avoiding the need to pay a regular wage plus all the extras like sick and holiday pay and benefits.

Outsourcing packages are typically more cost-effective than taking on your own staff, particularly in areas where workloads fluctuate.

 Focus On Your Team

With varying workloads such as those end of financial year spikes, your team can quickly become overwhelmed and potentially burnt out without the right support.

Using remote support allows you to reduce pressure on your team while still keeping up with the work. Reducing workload stress can help your team cope better and be more able to create better client outcomes. Reducing staff sickness and turnover also enables you to create a stable business.

Focus On Your Clients

Clients are the lifeblood of your brand. Without them, you simply wouldn’t have a business. So, it is important to nurture the relationship you have with them and provide the best service you possibly can. But, let’s face it, there are only so many hours in the day to get everything done!

Reducing the time you spend on admin and recurring compliance tasks gives you more time to spend on the places you can really add value to your clients.

Focus On Your Business

When you have room to breathe, you have the chance to reflect on your business and look for ways to improve it. Perhaps that’s adding more clients to your books or adding new services. Or perhaps it is more collaboration with other local businesses or work with community groups.

Whatever it might be, outsourcing gives you the chance to explore new opportunities.

Where To Get The Right Help?

The key to making outsourcing a success for your business is partnering with the right remote team. That way, you can hand over your compliance work with confidence, knowing that it is in hand.

If you are ready to start exploring remote work with a trusted team, then enlist Admin Army! When it’s time to start delegating some of those compliance tasks, we are waiting to assist.

We can handle a wide range of tasks to support your practice. Everything from drafting end of year accounts and reviewing prior year comparatives to administration like communicating with clients and IRD.

With our virtual team, we can offer round the clock support whenever you need it – whether that’s some extra support at busy times or regular assistance with an agreed scope of work. And because all our team are experienced, qualified and certified you can be sure that the work will be done to the standard you need.

If you’d like to call in the troops to assist with compliance work at your accountancy practice, contact Admin Army today.

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